The government prohibits advertising alcohol and cigarettes. In all fairness, it should consider banning fairness creams. While substance abuse affects the body of an individual, racism afflicts the entire society. And the psyche of generations. Ads for fairness creams only seem to exacerbate this prejudice.
Ads have tremendous power to influence people. Till the past few years, fairness creams were associated only with beauty. But the brands are now using the idea of ‘success’ as an outcome of fairness. Even if the ‘dark-skinned’ protagonist in the ad is talented, it will require her to become fair in order to get noticed. To use the mass media to propagate racism is a dangerous phenomenon.
It is no secret that we Indians have a preference for all things white. But brands and advertisers cannot wash their hands off on the premise that they are only catering to a demand. For that matter, alcohol, drugs and pornography too have tremendous demand!
Over the years, careers, relationships, dreams and lives have been broken because of our infatuation for fair skin. In matchmaking sessions, job market, modelling world, Bollywood, college and school campuses, and even in homes when parents discriminate between siblings.
The qualities of a human being should be the sole criteria for his/her success. Beauty is skin deep, whichever colour it is - Aishwarya or Lara.
So, the next time you see an ad for a fairness cream, use the power of the remote control. Stop the demand; the supply will dry up automatically! Fair deal, isn’t it?
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